15th Mediterranean Congress in Chemical Engineering
The 15th Mediterranean Congress in Chemical Engineering (MECCE 2023) will take place in Barcelona, Spain, during the international fair of the Chemical Industry EXPOQUIMIA, from May 30 to June 2.
Today, society, companies, and professionals are facing challenges in terms of digitalization, energy, decarbonization, circularity, new materials, and new surfaces. In this context, MECCE 2023 aims to unite the scientific and business communities, creating a unique setting in which they can share knowledge in critical sectors, and put in place the guidelines for the industrial processes of the future.
The congress covers various areas of Chemical Engineering including Unit Operations and Separation Processes, Chemical Reaction Engineering, Process Systems Engineering, Product Engineering, Applied Biotechnology, Safety, Health and Environment, or Chemical Engineering Solutions to Global Societal Challenges. The VIVALDI project is glad to contribute to the discussion and knowledge sharing via an oral presentation.
The presentation "VIVALDI: Fostering the transition to decarbonised economy via conversion of biogenic CO2 into added-value organic acids", will be presented by our colleague Juan Antonio Baeza, Head of Department at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona on May 31, at 12.30 pm, in session 4 - st1 & 4.
The entire programme and detailed information can be found here.